First let me start by saying thank you, thank you to all of my friends who commented last time and have called and texted. I was in a very bad place that day, I felt well.....lost. I have had some more time to think and I do feel bad sometimes about getting so discouraged, but I don't believe God gets upset with us when we question, He just wants us to remain faithful!!!
I have had to "unfriend" a few freinds, and cut back on some communication with some friends that are pregnant because it is just too painful right now. I hope you guys understand, I can still be happy for you without having to hear all the details everyday. I am usually in an okay place and then see the status updates etc about progress in the pregnancies and it just reminds me of what I don't have or may never have, and it cuts like a knife.
I am sure it will not always be this way, but for now I just have to preserve my sanity as we struggle.
With all of that said, Sweetness and I have finagled a few things, and spent a couple hours at the bank today, and we MAY have gotten enough money together to do the program. I am just so nervous about all this money, and don't want to get us in over our head, so we are thinking and praying on it, we have not signed anything yet.
Then as we are leaving the bank, some dude backed right in to our brand new car, and crushed the drivers side door!!! I was about to have a stroke!!!! Ughhhhhhh. So we have called the insurance companies and filed all the claims etc, and now we wait for the adjuster to come out and look at the car and see what they want to do. Just so upsetting in my new car, and of course he got out of his huge SUV, and said "Well my story is you backed into me!" Whatever!!! The pictures clearly show what happened. Just one more thing to deal with!
Again thanks to you all, and it really does feel good to know that I have so many friends that love me and are truly praying for me!!! Will let you know where we go from here!
Tucson 2017
8 years ago