Several of you have been dying for details and an update so here it is.....
Yes I have spoken to the birthmom a lot, she is so young, and she LOVES to text!!! I have never texted so much in my life!!! But she seems to be sure this what she is going to do. There are many details to be worked out, and my attorney is trying to get all the facts for me about what we need to do as far as doing an interstate adoption. The birthmom lives in Pennsylvania and we have toyed with the idea of her coming to live with us until the birth- but then what happens after the birth?
And if we travel to Pennsylvania for the birth, we have to be prepared to stay there for 1-2 weeks until the interstate compact is completed. Soooo many decisions yet, but mainly the financial aspect of all this is daunting.
I am not mentioning the money for anyone to feel pity but for my prayer warriors know how to pray. I am standing on my Lord's promises and I know that if this is what He has for us, then He will make a way when there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for us to bring this baby home!!!
So we have moved forward and are painting the nursery as well as getting everything together for our impending arrival.
You will notice i added the baby ticker to the left on the top. I just want something to count down the days as we anxiously anticipate this amazing event!!
Also Sweetness and I are traveling to his BF wedding on Friday, July 15th. Well we figured out that birth mom is only 1 hour and 23 minutes from where we are going for the wedding, soooooo we have made plans to go see her and meet with her so she can get a better feel for us also. I am very excited but again trying to keep it all in check.
And on the surrogacy front.......... I go to the clinic on Friday to get all the papers finalized, and then next Thursday, July 7th is baseline day and I begin stimming to get my eggs. I am so nervous about how all this may work out- but again Faith isn't faith until it's all you have!!!
Tucson 2017
8 years ago