Well boy do I have good news for all my faithful blog followers. I know my blog has been full of sadness and despair lately- but it seems as if the darkest night WAS truly just before the Dawn!!!
So tonight Sweetness and I went to dinner with the possible surrogate and her husband. It was truly a wonderful time. She is so sweet and down-to-Earth. Her little girls are precious. We talked about everything and feel at complete peace with her carrying our children. She is a 27 yr old christian. No smoking or drinking. She has been a surrogate before and loves being able to give people a family.
Sweetness and her husband even planned a golf outing together sometime soon!!! How is that for a GOD-moment for ya???
The the BEST news of all came when we got home tonight. I sent the lady an email who has been praying about donating her 4 remaining embryos to us to tell her about our meeting and how it all went. And she emailed us back already and said that her and her and husband had already made their decision- and that they have decided to donate them to US!!!!!
I am so excited I can not even stand it! Sweetness and I are crying tears of joy and I am amazed at how the Lord has brought all of us together at just the right timing----- this must have been what He had planned all along!
So now the next step is getting the precious little ones shipped here. Of course there is a special process to ship them safely and securely to keep them frozen and not to be damaged. The biological mom said she will be in touch with her clinic Monday morning and get the ball rolling!! WOW WOW WOW!!!! I am just so elated!!! (Can you tell??)
For the first time in a LONG time- I feel like we are finally going to have the little family we have dreamed of! I must say a special thank you to ALL OF YOU who have prayed for years along with us for an answer to our infertility struggle. You all have helped make this possible- you ALL have helped get our prayers answered. I am in awe at the power of prayer!
Thank you and I will keep you updated as we begin this special journey!
Tucson 2017
8 years ago