The paralegal at my attorney's office called and she said that by next Friday, Dec. 16th, the adoption of my precious peanut will be FINAL!!!! Can you believe it?????? In just 8 short weeks the whole thing will be finalized and over--- she will be ours, no questions, no ifs no possibly way anyone could ever yank her back!!!! On Nov. 4th the circuit court awarded us full parental custody awaiting the final petition of adoption, but it still feels so good to know that the adoption is just around the corner from being finalized.
No, we do not have to go to court to finalize it with a judge as most people do, because remember this was a 'close-family' adoption. That is also part of the reason this was so stream-lined and quick!!!! I just can't believe it!!! In 6 months my life has so drastically changed, and it is so full of happiness, unspeakable joy and more love than one heart can handle........
Baby girl you are worth it all...... after every long day, every minute of sleep lost, every diaper I've changed and WILL change, every load of tiny itty bitty clothes I've washed..... you are my reason for being, you are why I was put here...... to be your mother...... to love you as my mother loved me and to be sure you come to know Jesus as your Lord. Know THAT is something to be proud of!!!!
Today baby girl is actually at home with my Aunt who is watching her at our house. Her normal sitter is closed to day because her husband Lance is coming home tomorrow from being deployed overseas for almost a year. They really need some time as a family, so she is closed next week also. My Aunt will be watching her then as well as our house. Its nice to have Chloe at her house, with her toys, in her bed etc. But we hope Ms. Sam and her family has a beautiful and joyous homecoming with her precious hubby!!!!
I've called a million times today to check on them, and they are doing great!!! So I guess I guess I just need to relax and be so thankful that I have a backup to my sitter that I trust and that Chloe loves..... :)
One last thing...... Chloe's Birth mom texted me today and said she has set her Christmas present to her!!! Wow, I had no idea she was sending one, so it should be an exciting surprise when it arrives!!! We will cherish it forever, her first Christmas gift from her birth mother.
I am feeling so blessed this Christmas season, I have the MOST AMAZING, happy baby that anyone could ask for, and I have the most caring and respectful husband that most women only dream of finding, how could I ask for more????