To say the last two days of this week have been tough is an understatement. But suffice it to say I am being reprimanded at work for something I did not do, and it is creating a lot of stress. I don't think I will loss my job over this, but I might. I am trying to go back to my faith that has never let me down before- and TRUST that He knows what is happening. He will see me through, and Sweetness and I are together forever and that's all that matters.
I would appreciate your prayers and I will update more when I can. If you are real interested in whats happening, you can private message me and I will tell you..... I just don't want SOME things to be out in the world's cyber space!!! (If you can believe that)
I have taken 2 BCPs, and will begin stimming on Feb, 10th!!! So excited!! Trying to build that hope back up one more time.......
Thanks for your support....... I know you ladies all understand who have gone through multiple IVFs.
Tucson 2017
8 years ago