So why am I always holding everyone else's babies??? I guess it's because I have a HUGE family, and it seems it has never quite been my time to have a baby. When sweetness and I got married in January, we knew we wanted to start trying to have a family right away. Well life doesn't always go as planned.......
After 5 months of trying, I had a sneeky suspicion something might be amiss. So we made an appt with the awesome fertlity clinic here in our area called The New Hope Center for Reproductive Medicine. Well they have not completely nailed it down yet, so we have been labeled to have "unexplained infertility". Yeahhh now THAT is what you want to hear! But to make a long story short, we are in our first IVF cycle, and we are looking at target dates of egg harvesting on Aug 10th, with embryo transfer back on Aug 13th 2009. Hopefully by August 25, 2009 we will have a BFP and on our way to parenthood.
As you can see from the pictures above, there is never a lack of cuteness to hold in this family. But we so desperately want it to be us. We are trusting our Lord for this great miracle called life! I am trying not to get my hopes up too much but it is almost impossible! And is it me, or when you WANT a baby, every woman you pass in the store is pregnant! Geesh!
Oh, one last thing! I had a sono-HSG test done today at the fertility clinic, and they found 3 polyps in my uterine cavity. So I am scheduled for surgery to have them removed on Friday morning. Please pray this goes smoothly and no hurdles. Dr P said this will not affect my IVF cycle as I do not start Lupron injections until next Wednesday! Thanks everyone!
Did I tell you that they are doing a laparoscopy on 7/31? Turns out that on top of the PCOS, I've got endometriosis, which explains the hideous pain! I'll pray that everything goes well with your procedure! Keep me posted!
I am praying for you Jen! You and Rob are on my prayer list nightly. We will all see God's Glory through this! (((HUGS))))