Sweetness is blind. I mean without his glasses or contacts, my babe is 20/450!!!! Now coming from someone with perfect vision, I feel for him. He always is searching for his glasses etc. Well when we started dating, he actually got more comfortable around me and decided not to wear the contacts I was so accustomed to seeing him in. His glasses were so hideous. They were like "Buddy Holly" type! So after 6 months of wedded bliss (which includes a daily dose of these glasses), we decided to go get him some new spectacles!!!! We waited 2 long weeks for them to come in, and finally.....
Tonight we picked them up, and he does look HOT!!!!! I think he thinks so too, based on his posing for these shots!
Then as I was taking these shots, our fur babies wanted in on the action with their Daddy. Anyone who knows Maggie, knows how in love she is with her Daddy!
Well there is not much else going on in Sweetness land tonight. I have a post-op appt on Wednesday afternoon at my RE office. We also have our injection class that day as we start injecting Lupron Wednesday night. I can not believe all the needles and drugs that have arrived at my doorstop!!! Geesh! I will take a photo and blog more about that tomorrow!
Ending tonight with a Scripture:
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart."
-Jeremiah 1:4-5
Love the new template. And tell Sweetness good choice on the specs. Rob is about to do the same in the next month or so. Glad to hear the sx went well....