Lilypie Pregnancy: Days and Weeks Ticker

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Blog Must Go On!!!!

Hey guys!!

Thank you all for the comments both public and private about you wanting to continue to read my blog.  So I have decided to continue blogging!!!!!  Yeah!!!  Now everyone jump up and down  :0)

Due to maxing out the picture allowance I had to create another blog altogether!!  So I have done so and I have named it  "The Chloe Chronicles"  Clever eh?  All the creative input in that one goes to Sweetness!!!

Anyways..... the URL for the blog is

PLEASE come on over and say Hi and tell me what you think of the new blog look and what things you might want to talk about.  And PLEASE sign up as a follower of the Chloe Chronicles blog, All you have to do is put your email in the box down on the left side where it says "Follow by email" and whenever there is a new post, you will receive an email alert so you can come read it!!

I need followers so I don't look like the lone ranger blogger out there!!!  So come on and join the blog!!

It is bitter sweet to leave this blog home---we shared a lot of sorrows on these pages, and we celebrated the most profound joys!!!!  Because I really wrote all of this for Chloe to read one day- I have had this second installment of Sweetness and Me published in a hardback book- starting the day before she was born up until her first birthday.  Its going to be a wonderful keepsake baby book for her one day- to see her entire first year- week by week.

   Inevitably, we will experience more heartache and more joy- after all that is what life is about- but as long as all my friends' are with me along the way- we will come out on the other side a much stronger person!!! 

So come on.....Go ahead and click this link Chloe's Chronicles and it will take you right to the new home of Chloe's Chronicles!!! and don't forget to bookmark the new address!!

See ya on the other side :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The prettiest little Kitty .......

Hi friends!!  Sorry I have not posted in awhile!!  There are two reasons... One of which is posted below and the other is the holiday season is in full swing!  Our days are sooooo busy and full of fun and laughter with a one year old,  as she is turning into this amazing little girl right before our eyes!!!

Well it seems I have run our of space to put anymore photos on here. Google has told me I have to buy more space or I guess start another blog. I have been blogging for almost 4 years now and I will admit it is tiring, but it is certainly rewarding as well. So I'm gonna see how it is by responses to this post, is there anyone out there reading this or does anyone care if I close this blog down??

If you are a regular reader and would like me to continue please comment here so I can see if there are any people out there even reading or will even miss me if I am gone permanently??

Chloe is doing fantastic and is the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen!!! I am so privileged to be her Momma!!

I'll let you know if I am going to start a new blog or if the next post will be our last! Thank you all who have prayed for me and my daughter even once !!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

13 months old!!!

Our girl is no longer a "baby"..... I guess she has officially entered toddler hood  :(
I have so enjoyed being her mother the past year. With her turning 13 months old today, she gets to now get the label of "toddler".......Oh Boy!!!  Let the fun times begin!!!
She is such a sweet little girl.  She literally leans in sometimes out of the blue and gives me a big wide open mouthed kiss.  I love this I must tell you!!!  She has brought everything into my life and more that I dreamed of all those years I spent dreaming of becoming a mother!!

She is becoming soooo independent, but yet so completely a Daddy's girl.  This has been going on for awhile now, and I guess I thought it would just pass, but it continues on day after day..... She only wants Daddy!!!   She and me are fine until he comes home and that's it for the evening, she only wants Daddy to hold her, feed her, change her diaper, and rock her to sleep!!!  It was really starting to get to me, so I asked my group of Smocking Mommas on facebook about this- and they ALL assured me that this is totally normal.  There is just an uncanny bond between little girls and their Daddy.

And I must say after I mulled this over for a couple days, I am actually incredibly glad that she has this relationship with her Daddy!!!!  I want her to feel secure, loved, wanted and validated from the most important man in her life- her Daddy.  I don't want her to ever feel or be like I Dad walked out on me and my Mom when I was 9 months old!!  Now as a parent I wonder even more deeply- "How could your just leave your own child?"  "HOW???!!"
I felt so abandoned, but I could not figure out why, when I had the most amazing Mom on the planet........and then it finally came to me after going through counseling and beginning to process all I had been through as a young girl without a father in my life.......  You go looking for that love in all the wrong places, sometimes with devastating consequences.

I am so fortunate to have had a mother that devoted her life to raising me and seeing to it that I never made those horrible decisions that many young girls make just looking for that love they should have gotten at home.  This simple and plain truth has weighed heavily on me this week as Chloe's behavior sometimes has hurt my feelings..... Selfishly I think "I want to be her everything, She is supposed to want her Momma, " but then I come to reason that this relationship that God created in her, to want the love of her Daddy, is a good thing and I should welcome and embrace it~ in fact I should thank God for the amazing husband that I have that is such a calming presence to her that she wants to be near him constantly!!
I don't want to make it sound like she never wants to be with me, but overwhelmingly right now, Daddy is who she prefers.  So instead of feeling a bit sad, or jealous like I have been feeling lately, I feel so incredibly grateful that my daughter will never grow up without her Daddy and have to experience all the pain I did..... Now that is something worth being thankful for!!!
Some other happenings in her 13th month are that she now has 4 teeth on top and three on the bottom.  We are now off baby food for the most part, but man this kid is not so much a picky eater as she just doesn't eat!!!  She doesn't eat enough to keep a bird alive really!!! But the doctor says as long as she is gaining weight then we wont get too excited about it- she may eat more later.
She still weighs about 21 lbs and is 27" tall.  She is definitely going to be a tall slender gal!!!

Other than that, not much else going on with us.  We are certainly ready to get the holiday season started, and decorate the house which should be soooooo much fun this year with a little one wanting to explore and touch everything!!!  But that's what the holidays are all about!

Until next time~ 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween 2012

So Chloe's first Halloween was soooo much fun!!!!  Technically this is not her first Halloween, as last Halloween she was about 14 days old.  But this time she got to dress up and we took her on the town trick or treating!!
To start the day, we got her up and got her all dressed in her costume- she was a precious little flower!!!
Because the children could wear their costumes to school that day- we let her wear hers at least until we got her there.
She is just the most precious little girl- and she looked so adorable in these pictures!!!
Love that smile---pure joy!!!!
Such a poser......

When she was dropped off at nursery school, she immediately went
 to her favorite teacher Ms. Cassie (like every morning)....  here they are.......
Ms. Cassie was trying to help me get a good picture of her....
She had a fun day with her friends as usual.  Then I picked her up,
and we headed to our new pediatrician, Dr. H.  It was such a wonderful surprise to see 
the nurse that opened the door to call us, was Sherie, one of my past students I had trained
2 years ago to become a nurse!!!  She was the sweetest person and now she will be
taking care of my baby!!!!  I snapped this picture before they made me undress her......

That was a tough visit fro sure- my poor baby girl got 5 FIVE shots!!!!!  It broke my heart to watch her cry like that!!!  But I have to keep her safe especially around all these little germ factories at nursery school!!!

So then we  headed home and I thought she would be too tired or feel awful from the vaccines to go, but she was so happy that Grandma was over- she wanted to go outside and Trick or treat!!
So we piled her in her wagon, and grabbed her pumpkin bucket. and off we went.....

Our neighborhood's littlest Superman.....Jason at 2 months.
Chloe getting her candy on!!!
Neighborhood kids.....
Plus Chloe!!!!
Please excuse me, I was not planning on having my picture taken at all that night,
but just for my Chloe, I am including one of our little family.
She was so happy watching all the children and holding fistfuls of candy!!  LOL
Daddy taking her up to another door.....
This baby was so dag on cute!!!  Her momma made her yarn wig, and she looked
just like a Cabbage Patch Kid!!!
A sweet little dragon....

We were getting cold and tired, and Daddy was tired of
carrying her all around, she is getting soooo heavy!!
So we headed back to the house, and Chloe
was ready to dive in to her Tootsie Roll Pop!!!
She even shared some with Grandma!!!
Then she got to sit and survey all her loot!!!!
She kept trying to shovel it in with the wrappers on,
but we had to intervene and eat the candy for her.....LOL

What a fun experience with our precious girl!!!  Next when she can walk and really get it,
will be even more fun!!!  I hope you guys enjoyed our little girl's first real Halloween.
Loving her never gets old-there is always new exciting things to explore every day!!!

Happy Halloween Baby Girl!!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Chloe's 1st Birthday party at Preschool


Yes I know we already celebrated her birthday with her big party at the FunForest but that was 3 days before her real birthday, so we had to have another little celebration!!!
So these pictures are from her actual birthday. Oct 16th!!!
 We woke her that morning as usual, and I couldn't wait to dress her in this cute little birthday girl onesie and happy rainbow colored pants!!!  She is just the most beautiful child ever!!!  Look at that SMILE!!!!
 Ahhhhhh.... Love this shot too!!!
 Happy Happy girl!!!  It's MY birthday!!!!

 So we took her to nursery school as usual that morning, then after lunch and their naps, me and Grandma went to her day care and brought cupcakes that Grandma had baked and had a small little party with her friends!!!  it was so cute!!!
I took video as well to remember this day by- so special!!!
Here they are all sitting at their table ( I love this table- I want one in my house :0)) 
Chloe's hat has falling backwards.....
 So we sang Happy birthday and they all clapped and then we gave them cupcakes with just white icing, no sprinkles or fondant......  and Chloe immediately takes her plate and dumps the cupcake right off of it!!!  Turkey!!
 She hated her hat- so we had to take it off, and then she began to run her fingers through her hair and it was gettin' crazy in there I tell ya!!!
 This little precious gem is Benjamin, and he is Chloe's boyfriend as we call him.... the two of them are always together and they love each other- its so sweet!!!
 and here is Clarissa- and this little child began to suck on the cupcake, and shoved the whole thing in there!!!  Her 1 year birthday is in 2 weeks too!!!
 This picture has got to be one of my favorite!!!!  Chloe runs her hands up in her hair full of icing and it was soooo funny that I caught her hair like this-  of course you know I was cringing inside thinking of my girl getting so ickky!!
 Riley, Billy and Benjamin are enjoying that cupcake!!!!
 Sweet little Savannah isn't old enough to have any cupcake just yet- so she bounced in her jumperoo!!!
 Of course we had to get a shot with the best Grandma in the world with her birthday baby girl!!!
 and the momma.... I hate this picture of me, but I'm her Mom and I
 don't want her to not have any pics of me in her book!!
 Mommy kisses for the birthday girl!!!
 And this is Ms. Cassie. Chloe is so attached to her...... and I'm so glad she has someone
who loves her so much while I'm away and that she really loves as well.
 another one of her day care teachers is Ms. Dot.  She loves Chloe as well. 
All the ladies are all so sweet to her at her nursery school!!
and last but not least this is Ms. Karen.  She is leaving to go to another job, and tomorrow is her last day......  we are going to miss you Ms. Karen.  God speed to you and all your future endeavors.  Chloe will certainly miss you as well!!!

So that wraps up her 1st birthday celebrations!!!  She is one loved amazing little girl..... and the wonderful ladies who watch her during the day are truly angels sent from above.  They love these little children and they teach them about Jesus all day long- and there is nothing better than that!!!

Happy Birthday Angel!!!  I hope you will one day look back at these pictures and smile  :)