Lilypie Pregnancy: Days and Weeks Ticker

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Okay. I am so sorry to have not gotten this post up yesterday I have been very under the weather. But let's get going to our news that has brought me back to blogging!!

So in November of 2014, I had some stomach surgery and I did pretty well for the first 3 weeks after the surgery and then I started getting very sick, vomiting and just unable to keep anything down.  This continued to get worse  and worse. I went back to my surgeon and he said everything looked fine from his perspective and to give it another month or two and the nausea would go away. 

So fast forward to Thursday night Jan. 29, 2015. It was my 39th birthday and I had been in bed all day vomiting and felt like death. Obviously I didn't feel like doing anything to celebrate, and I was getting so sick I was getting scared. My chest started hurting and I have never had chest pains of any kind.  So my mom took me to the ER and my hubby stayed home with Chloe since it was so late so she could continue to sleep in her bed. 

So after a wait, we were finally in the back. They ran all these tests, called my surgeon, did a pelvic CT scan looking to see if I had an intestinal blockage of some kind. All came back normal.  So the ER doctor was at a loss for what the issue was but cleared my heart as not having any issues, and said I was just wretching so badly I had pulled some muscles in my chest. So he was about to let me go, told me I could get dressed but there was one test he hadn't gotten back from the lab that he wanted to get before letting me go home...... The urine pregnancy test.   I said I thought y'all already did that?!  He said there was some mix up at the lab and they had to throw my sample away and they needed a new sample from me. 

So I was irritated now, but I supplied it to them, and he comes back into the room about 20 minutes later as I am vomiting and says "Ummm that urine pregnancy test was positive."  My mom jumps up off the seat screaming "oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!!!!!!" Just flipping out. I'm sitting there and I said "what did you just say?"
He said "you are pregnant."  And my infertile self said " you must have the wrong sample, you need to do it again. I can't be pregnant"

He said "Well do you have a uterus!?"
I said yes I do but you don't understand, we went through IUIs, and 5 failed IVF cycles and I have NEVER EVER EVER EVEN HAD A POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST EVER!!!  And tonight is my 39th birthday. I just can't believe it!!!"

My mom is still crying and I'm in shock and he said well let's do an ultrasound real quick and make sure it's not ectopic or anything. So while they were getting the machine ready I called Sweetness and woke him up and told him they think I'm pregnant. He just said "Really??  Wow."  
So meanwhile they put the probe on my pelvis and I screamed "there it is!!!!"  The black amniotic fluid-filled sac was clearly visible with the little white baby flipping all around in there. I just sobbed and sobbed. 
So we drove home and I was in complete and total shock!!!  I just could not and sometimes still can not believe it!!!  
So the next morning on Friday, Sweetness and I went straight to my OBGYNs office when they opened at 8 am and told them the scenario and that I desperately needed to be seen to be checked out and I was on medicine I can't be on while pregnant and I just needed help!! 

Thankfully they worked us in and did a vaginal US, and this is what we saw!!!

They estimated that day that I was 7 weeks 1 day along!!!  We were able to hear the heartbeat and everything!!!  We cried and cried- just so in awe at the goodness and mercy of the Lord to give us this gift so unexpectedly!!! 

So we got a due date of September 17, 2015!!!  I had bloodwork done and was officially admitted into the OB part of the practice!! This dr has been my GYN for 14 years, it was so neat to finally experience this with her!!

So 2 weeks later at our second OB visit, we had another vaginal ultrasound and got some even cooler pictures of our little jellybean. The pictures below were taken when I was 9weeks exactly!

    Look at the itty bitty angel!!!  You can        
      see legs and arms up by their face!!

We are just over the moon with happiness to welcome this sweet angel into our family!!  The only downside is I have been diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarium.  This is an extreme form of nausea and vomiting associated with  pregnancy. I have been in the hospital twice because of it. I mean it's not just morning sickness. I vomit about 10-15 times a day and have been basically bed ridden since getting pregnant but didn't know why I was so sick. It had nothing to do with my surgery at all thankfully. 

But due to a number of circumstances which I will blog about later, my OB transferred all my care for the remainder of the pregnancy to the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialists here. So I did have my first visit with them last week on Tuesday and got all established with them. They seem to be pretty nice. I will see them every 2 weeks, and I go back on Tuesday March 10th. I will be 12 weeks 4 days then so I should get a really neat high powered sonogram where you can see everything on the baby!!!

I have tons more to write but I'll leave this post as just the announcement of our impending miracle!!  I just still can't believe that on my 39 th birthday I find out I am pregnant for the first time ever in my life!!!  God sure does have a sense of humor!!!  
Thank you for coming on this incredible journey with us and we experience pregnancy and childbirth for the first time!!  Something that never really left my heart but I was just learning to accept I would never have, but I had my baby girl!!!  We haven't told Chloe yet, but we are praying with her every evening that Jesus would send us a baby brother or sister to join our family and for us to love. She always quickly corrects me and says "Sister!!!!  No boys!!!"  Lol. Well we will see.  
I had my blood drawn for genetic testing and they can also with 100% certainty tell you the baby's sex. When we find that out for sure next week we will tell her what we are having and talk about where the baby is etc and let her start being a part of this more!!!  
Sorry didn't mean for this to turn into the longest blog post ever, but I am documenting all this for this little baby to read one day how we found out about him/her and how much we wanted them!!!!  


  1. Goodness, I have tears in my eyes reading this!! I just had a sneaking suspicion when you announced "big news" that this was it. I'm so, so, so happy for all of you!! What amazing news. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy & a healthy baby!

  2. So glad to see you back blogging and with such great news. Hope you feel better soon.
    Lisa G., McKinney, TX
